Sports Illustrated 60th Anniversary Set
In honor of Sports Illustrated Swim's 60th Anniversary, we created an immersive mirrored wall featuring iconic SI covers. The VIPs and models were surprised by their past covers, shared memories and created stunning visuals in this dynamic, interactive set.
The Sports Illustrated set was so iconic that it became the star of another activation in the same year, repurposed to spotlight other SI icons including Olympian and internet sensation Ilona Maher. The team wanting to repurpose the show-stopping set showcased the versatility and impact of our design, proving its ability to elevate any activation and leave a lasting impression on those who visit it.
For Sports Illustrated's diamond anniversary, we aimed to blend nostalgia with modern interactive content. The mirrored wall not only highlighted 60 years of iconic sports history but also invited models to engage with their own past covers. By capturing their reactions and reflections on these milestone moments, we created a unique experience that resonated with both the models and fans, generating excitement around SI’s legacy.
The process began by curating a selection of Sports Illustrated's most iconic covers from the past six decades. We designed a mirrored wall to reflect both the covers and the models interacting with them. During the event, SI cover models explored the wall, discovering their own features and sharing behind-the-scenes stories from their shoots. Our team captured these moments through stills and video, producing stunning visuals and compelling interview content that paid tribute to SI's impact on sports and culture.
The Sports Illustrated set was so iconic that it became the star of another activation in the same year, repurposed to spotlight other SI icons including Olympian and internet sensation Ilona Maher. The team wanting to repurpose the show-stopping set showcased the versatility and impact of our design, proving its ability to elevate any activation and leave a lasting impression on those who visit it.
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